Determination 2!
Ok ok. This is to explain why I put a title "Determination" on my previous, previous entry. For a very long time, I thought my weakness was my discipline, or the lack of it. But after praying to overcome this issue for some years, God reveal to me that my problem was not my lack of discipline, but it's my lack of determination. Well, the lack of discipline is a problem, but it is caused by my lack of determination. So the root of the problem in me is my determination. That's why I put "Determination" as the title of my 1st post of the year and the display name on my MSN Messenger. It is to remind me of what God has spoken to me few weeks ago. And I'm still trying to improve myself in this area (no improvement yet). So there you have it, the reason for "Determination". If you have any idea on how to have or improve ones determination, please add it in the comments. Will definately appreciate it. =) God has His timing. KK
When we have a desired end in mind and we push ahead towards this goal..we can be trained to be more persevering and discipline. This is how it works for me. When i forget and lose focus of the end result that I want, I will lose my perseverance and determination to fight. It's a perspective thing!!
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